It was a copy test that got me my first job in advertising, the kind of test that shows your lateral thinking. I knew nothing about advertising at the time. I was still in the middle of my English degree at Leeds University. The Creative Director pointed to my strange circular layout and asked, “Why did you do your storyboard like this?” And I said, “What’s a storyboard?” Yep, that’s how little I knew. Hopefully I know more now, but I like to think I’m still learning.
Since then I’ve worked at some great agencies, like Y&R, Grey and Leo Burnett, and I’ve won a few awards along the way. I’ve always enjoyed the lateral thinking part of the process - that surprise thought that comes out of nowhere. A CD once told me in my end of year review that he always knew what kind of ideas a creative would present to him, but with me he was constantly surprised. For me, that was the greatest compliment. And I like to think my work is full of surprises now.
I have considerable experience in every kind of writing from ATL to Integrated and Digital, on just about every type of account. I’ve worked on websites and DM, and written some great TV and Radio.
In my spare time, I’m still writing, as I love penning children’s stories. I even got long listed for the 2016 Times Chicken House Children’s Fiction Competition. I love all aspects of dance, and I sing in the Islington Choral Choir.
Click on the Link to see my agency experience.